Many insurance historians trace the basic concept of insurance back many centuries to the Chinese. In a principally agrarian society, Chinese farmers were faced with the problem of getting their crops to market. Most of them simply loaded their crops on a boat and used the rivers as transportation. Occasionally though, a boat would overturn and an entire harvest would be lost. The farmers began to transfer this risk to other farmers in a brilliantly simple way. Ten farmers from one area would get together at harvest and load the boats by putting one-tenth of every farmer's crop on each boat. If a boat sunk, each farmer lost a little, but no one lost everything.
This concept of sharing risk is the basis of all insurance products. A modern-day policy owner trades a small known loss (premium) for the insurance company's promise to pay for a large, unknown loss should it occur. all of the policy owners lose a little, but no one has to take the risk of losing everything.
As of September 23, 2010, insurers are required to pay the full cost of recommended peventive servies, without charging a deductible, co-pay or co-insurance.
Uninsured Americans with preexisting conitions can now get insurance through the new Preexisting Condition Insurance Program (PCIP)
We have established a statewide presence and access to major carriers and the best networks. This allows us to offer a wide range of plans and benefit options tailored to meet your needs.
We are here to help you get the coverage you need. Call today for your Free Quote.
Uninsured Americans with preexisting conitions can now get insurance through the new Preexisting Condition Insurance Program (PCIP)
We have established a statewide presence and access to major carriers and the best networks. This allows us to offer a wide range of plans and benefit options tailored to meet your needs.
We are here to help you get the coverage you need. Call today for your Free Quote.